Welcome to Jeanne Bundy Books
Where Words Mean Everything!
I’m an author who loves to bring words to life!
About the Author
Jeanne Bundy, is an aspiring Christian fiction writer who is currently working on the next book in her new series. She and her husband enjoy traveling, where she is always on the lookout for an adventure to use in her novels.
Born and raised in Southern Indiana, Jeanne and her husband serve as worship pastors at their local church. She views her family and faith most important. When not spending time with her children and grandchildren, Jeanne enjoys quiet time, working on her family ancestry, singing, songwriting, and making crafts.
Things to know about Jeanne
I’ve been married to my sweetheart since I graduated from university! We have two grown children who are married and have been blessed with five grandchildren, four girls and one boy, who are all our different in their own way. The youngest of seven children, I learned how to play the piano at young age of five, then went on in school to play the oboe. I have always loved music, reading and writing my own stories.
I grew up in a Pentecostal church close to my hometown. After university, I attended an interdenominational church close to home. My husband and I still attend there and have been the Worship Pastors for about twelve years. I play keys and lead in singing while my husband, Mike, is our drummer. Bringing the people to the throne room is my passion. I love to spend time with God, talking to him and hearing from him. Without him, I’d be lost.
I am what my kids and grandchildren call a crafty person! I have always loved doing creative things, especially crocheting, knitting, sewing, quilting, embroidery, scrapbooking, wreath making, you name it, I’ve probably tried it at least once.
I realized how much I enjoyed writing stories at a very young age. One of my sisters loved to teach me big words to see if I could remember and spell them. Encouraged by an English teacher my Sophomore year of high school, I started on the path of writing by creating the ‘Sermon of the Week’ for our local newspaper. I wound up doing graphic art and joined forces with ‘Rock of Israel’ based out of Cincinnati, Ohio with monthly newsletters and other projects as they needed my help. One of the ministers encouraged me in my writing, turning it from a hobby to a realization. Several years later, here I am, an author!

Mystery of the Covenant Stones
Jakob Shaphat, a university professor researching the mysterious covenant stones, must team up with a group of heavenly warriors to prevent the stones from falling into the wrong hands and save the world from the threat of a terrible evil.

The next book in the series will be revealed soon! Stay tuned and check back often.
16 Smith School Rd New Harmony IN 47631